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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Location... certificates!

        We’ve created several hundred location certificates. It all started with a large claim block in the Tinton region in the late 1980’s  .

        We’ve looked at a bunch of certificates also… they range from pretty straightforward (a minority) to so vague or so contradictory that it is mind boggling!

        This past week was just one example of many… the claim location didn’t have a clear starting point for the claim and it just got worse as vague directions left us wondering not only where does it start but where does it end!

        A phone call to the Bureau of Land Management confirmed what we had concluded, “Go with what’s on the ground.  If there’s nothing on the ground go with the map!”  Many trips to the area had already confirmed that there is nothing on the ground.

        Technically that makes the claim invalid, but we try to be good stewards and don’t really want to take the time or spend the money to fight it in court! 

        We’ll take a minute here to urge claimholders to have their location certificate on the claim as required, to mark corners of their claim with substantial posts (not PVC pipe please!), and post a copy of current affidavit of assessment.  Contrary to our frequent complaint of claim jumpers, it does slow the tide to a somewhat manageable trickle! 

The old-timers didn’t want to do that… they didn’t want the “rushers” to swarm onto their claim!  Technology is such these days that not only is it wise to have your claim posted, you may be challenged based on various factors if it isn’t!

        Now we fall back on the map which was created and filed in the 1970’s.  I guess there must not have been townships, ranges and sections at that time J because the map shows none of the above!  A good tie point to start description of your claim is a section corner or an existing benchmark… not a bridge on a road that floods and is re-built every few years, not (like the old-timers did) from the corner of the local sawmill or cabin or blazed tree!  Luckily, again, we are familiar with the area, the roads, the creek…

        From this map we were able to verify that not only was the claim we were researching for a friend available, we were able to see another 20-acre claim is possible! 

Interested?  We’re between a rock and a hard place here.  We can’t locate any more claims under our name because we want to maintain small miner status.  Also, we desperately need a reliable 4-wheel drive vehicle to take the resident grandkids to and from school!  Email details of the vehicle to if you want information on locating this available claim and we’ll start discussion on a trade!   We won’t disclose location here, but there’s a year-round creek, gravel bars, proven gold because we’ve panned there.  If certain parties knew of the location it would be advertised as two 10-acre claims at $20,000 each! We’re willing to guide you through the claim process at this location.

        We urge anyone with old locations to contact us.  A location certificate can be amended within certain criteria and filed for a few dollars.  That sure beats the cost of a court battle!

        My brother asked me this past week if, with warm temps and creeks breaking through the ice, I was doing any panning?  I just shivered! 

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