Anyone who has met me knows I’m
not an outspoken activist. Unless a child is in jeopardy, I usually mind my own
business. Bob is more vocal, but in general we do what we can to get along with
people, organizations and agencies.
So it is out of character
that we are progressively becoming “miner advocates.” We’ve blogged recently on
budget proposals by BLM which I will continue expanding on the subject as
promised, but want to add to the “excitement” with our weekend expedition.
We went to an area we love
and met up with some fellow prospectors. The weather was fine and we got a
little digging and panning done. We also had the unfortunate experience of
running into a new gate proclaiming “No Motorized Vehicles Allowed.”
I have spent the morning
today sending an email to the US Forest Service about possible alternative
access into this closed area. Then I did some research to see when this all
came about… aren’t road closures by the US Forest Service supposed to be
What I am finding is this.
There are multiple Plan of Operations for various projects which seem to be
piled on a desk somewhere, lost in the paperwork shuffle. I tracked not only
our Plan of Operations but a variety of others. I can see about a two-year
trail of “Decision Expected” and “Implementation Expected” being put off until
the next quarter, then the next quarter. An example would be our mechanized
mining Plan of Operations, submitted fall of 2013. It is there on the list. We
had written communication that it would be ready after the first of the year
2015. The first quarter it stated a decision expected in March… we’re still waiting!
But back to the sign we
encountered. I could not find, in the last fiscal year, a proposal to close
that road to motorized traffic. So no comment period was allowed, no public
meetings held, they just stuck a sign up there! We know it is very recent
because there was still spray paint (ugh) on the ground around the gate.
So Bob and I are not pleased
with the “system” and well aware there is something very fishy going on.
We are becoming pro-active
and will start a Plan of Operations to access any of our claims that are not on
main roads. We are getting paranoid that we will encounter a “No Motorized
Vehicle Allowed” sign unless we do so.
It really bothers us that a “fun”
day at the claims is becoming a “gearing up for battle” with claimjumpers and
the US Forest Service. At least we understand claimjumpers; we don’t even try
to understand what goes on behind the scenes with government!
We just ran across several
really good claims in the Central Black Hills. Email at if you
are interested. It also appears there might be some available in the Northern
Hills, so shoot us an email.